Advanced Beginner Lesson 3 -
A Widow's Son
Vocabulary Exercise

In this vocabulary exercise for the story of A Widow’s Son, we’ll look at 6 vocabulary words and phrases. This exercise is the third part of Advanced Beginner Lesson 3, or you can do it as an individual vocabulary exercise.
Read the word, study the definition, and listen to how the word is pronounced. Then, listen to how it is used in the sample sentences.
You can also look up the word at or any online dictionary for more information. For pronunciation in accents other than American English, visit, enter your word, and choose the accent you want to hear. Forvo is a great tool to help you with your pronunciation!
1. on their way
ɑːn ðər ˈweɪ (idiom)
In the process of coming or going. Use a possessive pronoun (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) between “on” and “way.”
As Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem…, (Luke 13:22a)
I am on my way to you… (John 17:13a)
vocabulary word – on their way
2. frightened
ˈfraɪ tənd (adjective)
afraid, scared, fearful
Sarah was so frightened that she lied and said, “I didn’t laugh!”…
(Genesis 18:15a)
But Jesus said, “Why are you so frightened?…”
(Luke 24:38a)
vocabulary word – frightened
3. crowd
kraʊd (noun)
a large number of people in one public place, such as a sports stadium
But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus…
(Mark 2:4a)
“…Where can we find enough food to feed such a crowd?” (Mark 8:4b)
vocabulary word – crowd
4. feel sorry [for]
fiːl ˈsɑː ri (idiom)
to be sad or have sympathy for someone else
…the Lord will feel sorry for them and give them justice.
(Deuteronomy 32:36b)
Jesus called his disciples together and told them, “I feel sorry for these people…” (Matthew 15:32a)
vocabulary word – feel sorry [for]
5. touch
tʌtʃ (verb)
to put your hand (or another part of your body) on something or someone
…Then he touched the servant’s ear and healed it. (Luke 22:51b)
“Who touched me?” Jesus asked… (Luke 8:45a)
vocabulary word – touch
6. give [someone or something] back
ɡɪv bæk (phrasal verb)
to return something to its owner
Now Father, give me back the glory I had with you before the world was created. (John 17:5)
…All they owned had been taken, and no one was willing to give it back. (Isaiah 42:22b)
vocabulary word – give back
I hope you were able to learn some words that are new to you! Now click the button to go to the Speaking Exercise.
Click here to go back to the Reading Lesson.