Advanced Lesson 1 -
The Truth Will Set You Free
Discussion Questions

Congratulations! You have finished Advanced Lesson 1, The Truth Will Set You Free. You’ll find all the links for each part of the lesson again at the bottom of this page.
Though it may be very important for you to learn English, it is more important for you to learn what God says in his Word about how much He loves us, and how He wants us to live and love others. Think about these questions from Jesus’s words about the truth, and how it will set YOU free. Write the answers in your notebook. You can write in English or in your native language. Discuss the questions with a friend, or with your English class.
I hope this lesson has helped you to understand more English and more of God’s Word! See you in the next lesson!
Discussion Questions
Are you a truth seeker? What makes you think so?
If you had lived at the time when Jesus was alive on earth, how do you think you would have reacted? Would you have believed Him?
What did Jesus mean when He said that the devil is the people’s father?
Do you think that people today are being lied to by the devil? Can you think of specific examples?
What is meant by the title of this lesson? What does freedom mean to you?
Try to explain to someone what it is like to have your heart belong to God.