Beginner Lesson 1 -
The Prodigal Son
Reading Lesson

This exercise is the second part of Beginner Lesson 1, the Parable of the Prodigal Son. You can also do it as an individual reading exercise.
First, here are the answers to the Listening questions for this lesson.
- Where did the boy go when he left his father’s house?
A country far away. - What was the first thing he did in this new place?
He spent all of his money. - When he returned home, what did he tell his father?
I have sinned.
I am not worthy to be your son.
- What did his father do?
He gave a party.
Now, read the passage several times. Don’t use a dictionary and look up all the words you don’t know. Instead, try and understand what the word means by understanding the sentence.
Next, download the PDF so you can read the passage and listen at the same time. Read and listen a few more times.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Luke 15:11-32 (paraphrased)
Jesus told the people a sad story about the prodigal son. A boy left his father’s home. He went to a country far away. The boy spent his money foolishly. Soon, his money was gone.
He did not know what to do. Then, there was a famine. The boy did not have money. He did not have food. Desperate with hunger, the boy got a job feeding pigs. But he had no food. He said, “Maybe I will eat the pig’s food.”
Finally, the boy thought, “At my father’s house, even the servants eat well. I’ll go home and tell Father I’m sorry for my sins. I’m not good enough to be his son anymore. I hope he’ll give me a job as a servant.”
While the boy was still a long way from home, his father saw him coming. Happily, the father ran to meet his son. He kissed the boy, and hugged him.
The boy said, “Father, I have sinned. I’m not worthy to be your son.” The boy wanted to ask his father to hire him as a servant. But Father interrupted.
“Bring the best robe, sandals, and a ring for my son. And prepare a great party.”
There was a wonderful party because the son who was lost returned home. He was found again! Jesus told this story because it shows how God loves to receive sinners who tell Him they are sorry, and come to Him.
Here is the audio recording again, so you can read as you listen.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son: Luke 15:11-32
How did you do? Now click this button to go to the next section, the Vocabulary exercise.
Or, click here to go back to the Listening Exercise.