Beginner Lesson 2
Creation - Day 1

Vocabulary Exercise

ESL beginner creation bible english
Image by Sascha Thiele on Pexels

Here are 5 vocabulary words to study, from the first day of creation.

  1. Read the word.
  2. See how it is spelled.
  3. Listen to the pronunciation.
  4. Study the meaning of the word.
  5. See how it is used in the sample sentences.

1. separate

/ˈse pə reɪt/ (verb)

to divide into parts

I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love. (Romans 8:38)

I will separate the good from the bad. (Ezekiel 34:22)

2. evening

/ˈiːv nɪŋ/  (noun)

the time of day between afternoon and night

Then people go off to their work, where they labor until evening.  (Psalm 104:23)

It was at twilight, in the evening, as deep darkness fell. (Proverbs 7:9)

3. morning

/ˈmɔːr nɪŋ/ (noun)

the time of day from when the sun rises until it is high in the sky.

From early morning until late in the afternoon, Paul talked to them about God’s kingdom.  (Acts 28:23)

Early the next morning Jesus stood on the shore.   (John 21:4)

4. look

/lʊk/ (verb)

to turn your eyes in a particular direction.

Look up to the heavens.  (Job 35:5)

Look at my hands and my feet and see who I am.  (Luke 24:39)

5. see

/siː/ (verb)

to understand or become aware of something by using your eyes

You will look and look, but never see.  (Acts 28:26)

I use stories when I speak to them because when they look, they cannot see, and when they listen, they cannot hear or understand.  (Matthew 13:13)

Worksheet: Look and See

Try this worksheet that will help you understand the difference between “look” and “see.”

I hope you learned some new words! Here are three more words about the parts of a day. You can study them on your own. Click here to go to the Oxford Learner’s dictionary.


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