Beginner Lesson 4
Creation - Day 3 (Part 1)
Reading Exercise

Welcome to the reading exercise for Creation – Day 3 (Part 1).
Listening Question Answers
First, here are the answers to the listening questions.
1. Where was the water that God commanded?
The water was under the sky.
2. What did he name the dry ground?
He named the dry ground “Land.”
2. What did he name the water?
He named the water “Ocean.”
Let’s Read!
Read 3 times. It’s okay if you can’t understand all the words. Do your best.
When you finish reading, download the PDF. Read and listen at the same time.
Creation – Day 3 (Part 1) – Genesis 1:9-10 CEV
God said, “I command the water under the sky to come together in one place, so there will be dry ground.” And that’s what happened. God named the dry ground “Land,” and he named the water “Ocean.” God looked at what he had done and saw that it was good.
Listen and read.
Creation – Day 3 (Part 1) – Genesis 1:9-10 CEV
Good job! Now click here to learn 5 new words.