Beginner Lesson 5
Creation - Day 3 (Part 2)
Vocabulary Exercise

Here are 5 vocabulary words to study, from the first day of creation.
- Read the word.
- Study the meaning of the word.
- See how it is spelled.
- Listen to the pronunciation.
- See how it is used in the sample sentences.
1. produce
/prə ˈduːs/ (verb)
to create something, especially when skill is needed
A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. (Matthew 7:17)
Justice will produce lasting peace and security. (Isaiah 32:17)
vocabulary word – produce
2. plant
/plænt/ (noun)
a living thing that grows in the earth and usually has a stem, leaves, and roots.
The plants did not have enough water and soon dried up. (2 Thessalonians 1:10)
You let the earth produce grass for cattle, plants for our food. (Psalm 104:14)
vocabulary word – plant
3. fruit
/fruːt/ (noun)
the part of a plant that has seeds and a soft inside. It can be eaten as food and usually tastes sweet.
Take care of a tree, and you will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 27:18)
You were like an olive tree covered with fruit. (Jeremiah 11:16)
vocabulary word – fruit
4. tree
/triː/ (noun)
A tall plant that can live a long time. Trees have a thick central wooden trunk and branches.
They will each have the right to eat fruit from the tree that gives life. (Revelation 22:14)
In my sleep I saw a very tall tree in the center of the world. (Daniel 4:10)
vocabulary word – tree
5. grain
/ɡreɪn/ (noun)
small, hard seeds of food plants like wheat and rice
His disciples were picking grains of wheat as they went along. (Mark 2:23)
From heaven he sent grain that they called manna. (Psalm 104:15)
vocabulary word – grain
Many Words for Plants
There are many words that mean green things that grow on the earth.
- Vegetation is a word that means plants, especially the plants that are found in a certain place.
- Flora is a synonym for vegetation.
- Plants refers to things that grow in the earth. Plants usually have a stem, leaves, roots, and many times they have flowers.
- Crops is a word that means plants that are raised by a farmer for money. Many times grain is also a crop.
- Bush means a plant that has several hard stems growing up from the root. Shrub is a synonym for bush.
- Tree means a tall plant with a woody trunk that lives a long time.
- These are a few of the many words that refer to plants. Find the meanings of the words you don’t know in the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary at, or in a dictionary of your language and English.
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