ESL Curriculum and Lesson Plans
In this section, you will find ready-to-teach lesson plans to help you with your ESL classes, whether you are a trained teacher or a lay ministry partner. These lesson plans are based on Bible passages that you can use in your classroom.
Use any or all of the exercises in each lesson, depending on the time you have available and the ability of your students. Most of the lesson is based on language study, though there are also some discussion questions based on the text.
Request a free sample lesson plan guide today! It’s called The Kingdom of Heaven, and it contains seven lesson plans based on the kingdom statements of Jesus. Click this button to request your copy.
There are also lessons posted on the website that individual students can use for self-study, but you can also use these free lessons in your classroom as well for a more guided study experience.
A new book of ready-to-teach lesson plans, The Story of Easter, is available now in ebook format. Check it out by downloading a sample lesson – just click the button below.
The full ebook will be available soon, and the paperback will also be available soon through Amazon or your local Christian bookstore.
Check out all the articles and blog posts for more ways to use Learn English with the Bible in your classroom! And thank you for visiting, I’m glad you found us! Let me know how I can help you as you teach English using Bible texts.