The Present Tense
The English present tense is used to talk about things that are happening in the present. Sometimes it is used to talk about future events. It has four parts:
Present simple
We use the present simple to give general, basic information about habits, facts, and things that don’t change.
Present continuous
This is the “workhorse” of the English present tense! Present continuous is what you will use to describe your every day activities and what you are doing now.
Present perfect
You will use the present perfect to describe events that you are doing now, but that started in the past.
Present perfect continuous
You can use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about action that started in the past and is still happening. It may have also ended in the recent past. There is usually a result of this action that affects you in the present.
Let’s take a closer look at all these tenses – with lots of examples. Just click on the links above to learn more about these different forms of the present tense.