Intermediate Lesson 2 -
Jesus the Good Shepherd
Discussion Questions

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Though it may be very important for you to learn English, it is more important for you to learn what God says in his Word about how much He loves us, and how He wants us to live and love others. Think about these questions from the Parable of the Seed and the Sower. Write the answers in your notebook, in English or in your native language. Discuss them with a friend, or with your English class.
I hope this lesson about Jesus the Good Shepherd has helped you to understand more English and more of God’s Word! See you in the next lesson!
Discussion Questions -
Jesus the Good Shepherd
Why didn’t the sheep listen to any of the thieves or hired workers who came before Jesus?
Why did Jesus come?
Does it make sense to you that a good shepherd is willing to give up his life for his sheep? Can you think of anyone you are willing to give up your life for?
What does your answer to question 3 tell you about Jesus?
The passage says that there are other sheep that are not in the sheep pen. How can you, or those who are already in the pen, help those who are not in the pen to hear the voice of Jesus?
The passage says that Jesus can give up his life and receive it back again. What happened when Jesus gave up his life? Did he get it back again?