Intermediate Lesson 2 -
Jesus the Good Shepherd
Vocabulary Exercise

Let’s look at 9 vocabulary words from Jesus the Good Shepherd, found in Luke 8:4-15. This exercise is the third part of Intermediate Lesson 2, or you can do it as an individual vocabulary exercise.
Read the word, study the definition, and listen to how the word is pronounced. Then, listen to how it is used in the sample sentences.
You can also look up the word at or any online dictionary for more information. For pronunciation in accents other than American English, visit, enter your word, and choose the accent you want to hear. Forvo is a great tool to help you with your pronunciation!
1. for certain
(adverb) – without a doubt, surely
(1) I know for certain that God loves me.
(2) Are they marigolds or daisies? I can’t tell for certain.
vocabulary word – for certain
2. thief
(noun) – a person who steals
Notice that to make “thief” plural, the “f” changes to a “v,” then we add “es.”
(1) Everyone who came before me was a thief or a robber.
(2) The police arrested the thieves in the middle of the night.
vocabulary word – thief
3. pasture
(noun) – a grassy area where animals like cows and sheep can feed
(1) Through me they will come and go and find pasture.
(2) The pasture is full of green grass for the sheep.
vocabulary word – pasture
4. shepherd
(noun) – a person who takes care of sheep and keeps sheep together
Notice that in this word, the “ph” does not make the usual “f” sound. The “h” is silent, and we say “she-perd.”
(1) The sheep love the shepherd.
(2) The good shepherd protects his sheep from dangerous wolves.
vocabulary word – shepherd
5. scatter
(verb) – to separate or cause to separate in different directions
Notice that the “tt” between two vowel sounds, “a” and “er,” changes its sound from “t” to “d.” See this grammar page for more information.
(1) The homeowner scattered the grass seed all over the yard.
(2) The crowd scattered when they heard a loud noise.
vocabulary word – scatter
6. flock
(noun, also a verb) – a group of animals (such as sheep) or people gathered together; to gather or move in a group
(1) A large flock of tourists gathered around the ancient building.
(2) The sheep flocked to the pasture.
vocabulary word – flock
7. willingly
(adverb – made from the adjective willing, which means ‘ready’ and ‘eager’) – with readiness, eagerly
(1) I am willing to forgive you.
(2) The students willingly followed the command.
vocabulary word – willingly
8. command
(verb, also a noun) – to order someone what to do; a command is an order given by someone in authority
(1) The teacher commanded the students to stop fighting.
(2) The teacher’s command upset the students.
vocabulary word – command
9. take sides
(verb) – to support one person or opinion and not another
(1) People often take sides in a political debate.
(2) I am going to just listen without taking sides.
vocabulary word – take sides
I hope you were able to learn some words that you did not know before! Now click the button to go to the Speaking Exercise.
Click here to go back to the Reading Lesson.