Advanced Lesson 4 -
Peter Is Rescued
Discussion Questions

Congratulations! You have finished the lesson. You’ll find all the links for each part of the lesson again at the bottom of this page. Now let’s look at the discussion questions for this story about how Peter was rescued from prison.
Though it may be very important for you to learn English, it is more important for you to understand what God teaches us in the Bible. He loves us very much, and the most important thing that he asks us to do is to love others, too.
Practice thinking in English as you read these questions. Write the answers in your notebook, in English or in your native language. Discuss them with a friend, or with your English class.
I hope this lesson called Peter Is Rescued has helped you understand more English and more of God’s Word! See you in the next lesson!
Discussion Questions -
A Widow's Son
Why was Peter put in jail?
In your opinion, who are angels and what is their purpose?
What is Peter’s understanding of angels?
What do you think Herod thought about Peter’s disappearance?
What do you think God’s plan was in allowing Peter to escape from the jail?