Advanced Lesson 4 -
Peter Is Rescued
Writing Exercise

Let’s practice writing by using what you have learned about “have something done” and “have someone do something.” This is part six of Advanced Lesson 4, or you can do it as an individual writing exercise.
Answer each question by writing a full sentence. Don’t forget that some of your past participles for “have something done” might be irregular.
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, so the more you write, the better your practice will be! There is a downloadable PDF at the end, with sample answers that you can review. Here are the questions:
- What did your parents have you do when you were a child?
- If you are a parent, what do you have your child(ren) do? If you are not a parent, what would you have your child(ren) do?
- Is their something that you need to have repaired? What is it, and why does it need to be repaired?
- Think of something that you need or want others to do for you. How can you construct a sentence using “have something done?” Try to create as many sentences as you can!
Click here for a downloadable PDF with sample answers.
Now, move on to the last section, the Discussion Questions.
Click this button to go back to the Grammar Exercise.