Advanced Lesson 3 -
Saul Becomes a Follower of the Lord
Listening Exercise

Acts 9:1-19 tells the story of how Saul becomes a follower of Jesus, the Apostle Paul. In our story, Saul is on his way to Damascus with the blessing of the Pharisees and religious teachers of Israel. His plan is to arrest Christians and bring them back to Jerusalem for trial. However, what happened to him on his way to Syria changed his life and still affects the life of every Christian today. This is a lesson for upper intermediate to advanced students.
Let’s start with the Listening Exercise. This exercise is the first part of Advanced Lesson 3, or you can do it as an individual listening exercise.
First, listen for the answers to these 6 questions:
- What did Saul want to do before the Lord appeared and spoke to him?
- What happened to Saul right after the Lord spoke to him?
- Who was Ananias?
- What did the Lord tell Ananias to do?
- What was the vision Saul had? Did the vision come true?
- What did the Lord want Saul to do once his sight was restored?
Ready to Listen?
Click the play button when you are ready to listen. Find the answers to the six questions. Listen again and again, and become more familiar with the words each time you listen.
Saul Becomes a Follower of the Lord – Acts 9:1-19 CEV
As you listen, you may hear new vocabulary that you don’t know. Just listen and see if you can figure out the meaning of the word in its context. Then listen again. After all, that’s the way you learn new words in real life. We don’t always have access to a dictionary, so do your best to comprehend the meaning of new words that you hear by understanding how they are being used. Do your best, but don’t worry. You can listen to it again during the Reading exercise.
Now, move on to the Reading Exercise.