Beginner Lesson 2 -
The Lost Sheep
Vocabulary Exercise

Let’s look at 5 vocabulary words and phrases from The Parable of the Lost Sheep. This exercise is the third part of Beginner Lesson 2, or you can do it as an individual vocabulary exercise.
Read the word, study the definition, and listen to how the word is pronounced. Then, listen to how it is used in the sample verses.
You can also look up the word at or any online dictionary for more information. For pronunciation in accents other than American English, visit, enter your word, and choose the accent you want to hear. Forvo is a great tool to help you with your pronunciation!
1. sinner
ˈsɪ nər (noun)
a person who sins or breaks God’s law
…God accepts sinners only because they have faith in him. (Romans 4:5 CEV)
…I was the worst sinner of all! (1 Timothy 1:15 CEV)
vocabulary word – sinner
2. crowd
kraʊd (in this story, “crowd” is a verb)
to gather in large numbers
As the people crowded around them…
(Numbers 16:42 CEV)
“Crowd” used as a noun:
When Jesus finished speaking, the crowds were surprised at his teaching.
(Matthew 7:28 CEV)
vocabulary word – crowd
3. grumble
ˈgrʌm bəl (verb)
to complain, to mutter in discontent
They would not obey you, and they grumbled in their tents.
(Psalms 106:25 CEV)
Jesus told them: Stop grumbling! (John 6:43 CEV)
vocabulary word – grumble
4. friendly
ˈfrɛn dli (adjective)
like a friend, helpful
A friendly smile makes you happy…
(Proverbs 15:30 CEV)
God had made the official friendly and kind to Daniel. (Daniel 1:9 CEV)
vocabulary word – friendly
5. celebrate
ˈsɛ lə breɪt (verb)
to show that a day is important by doing a special activity
Remember this day and celebrate it each year… (Exodus 12:14 CEV)
Celebrate and worship his holy name with all your heart. (1 Chronicles 16:10 CEV)
vocabulary word – celebrate
I hope you were able to learn some words that are new to you! Now click the button to go to the Speaking Exercise.
Click here to go back to the Reading Lesson.