Beginner Lesson 2
Creation - Day 1

Writing Exercise

ESL beginner creation bible english
Image by Sascha Thiele on Pexels

Use part 1 if you use the same alphabet that English uses.

Use part 2 if your first language uses a different alphabet.

Part 1: Copy this sentence

Please use a pen or pencil and paper for this exercise. Copy the sentences. 

God created light.

God separated light from darkness.

Evening came, then morning – that was the first day.

  1. Use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence. 
  2. Use a period (.) at the end of the sentence.
  3. Be sure you spell all the words correctly.

Write the sentences three times. Then practice typing it with your keyboard.

Part 2: Practice the letter “E”

Every English letter has 3 forms:

  1. capital (uppercase, majuscule)
  2. small (lowercase, miniscule) 
  3. cursive (script)

Click on the link to download a special paper that will help you write capital E, small e, and cursive e correctly.

Next, practice typing. Set your keyboard to English, and practice typing the sentences from Part 1.

Here is a practice paper with empty lines to practice writing in English.

Now go to the discussion questions.