Beginner Lesson 1 -
The Story of Creation - Introduction
Reading Exercise

Welcome to the reading exercise for Beginner Lesson 1, The Story of Creation.
First, here are the answers to the listening questions.
1. What did God create?
the heavens and the earth
2. What two things covered the earth?
(roaring) ocean, darkness
2. Who was moving over the water?
the Spirit of God
Let’s Read!
Read 3 times. It’s okay if you can’t understand all the words. Do your best.
When you finish reading, download the PDF. Read and listen at the same time.
The Story of Creation
Introduction – Genesis 1:1-2 CEV
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was barren, with no form of life; it was under a roaring ocean covered with darkness. But the Spirit of God was moving over the water.
Listen and read.
The Story of Creation – Introduction – Genesis 1:1-2 CEV
Good job! Now click here to learn 3 new words.