Beginner Lesson 1 -
The Story of Creation - Introduction
Vocabulary Exercise

Here are 3 vocabulary words to study.
- Read the word.
- See how it is spelled.
- Listen to the pronunciation.
- Study the meaning of the word.
- See how it is used in the sample sentences.
1. earth
/ɜːrθ/ (noun)
the planet that we live on
The Lord rules the whole earth. (Psalms 97:9)
I saw a new heaven and a new earth. (Revelation 21:1)
vocabulary word – earth
2. ocean
/ˈəʊ ʃn/ (noun)
the water that covers the earth
They will roar like the ocean. (Isaiah 5:30)
…how ships sail the ocean… (Proverbs 30:19)
vocabulary word – ocean
3. move
muːv (verb)
to change position
Tell the Israelites to move forward. (Exodus 14:15)
It takes strong winds to move a large sailing ship. (James 3:4)
vocabulary word – move
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