Beginner Lesson 1 -
The Story of Creation - Introduction
Writing Exercise

Use part 1 will help you write if you use the same alphabet that English uses.
Use part 2 if your native language uses a different alphabet.
Part 1: Copy this sentence
Please use a pen or pencil and paper for this exercise. Copy the sentences.
God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was covered with darkness.
The Spirit of God moved over the water.
- Use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence.
- Use a period (.) at the end of the sentence.
- Be sure you spell all the words correctly.
Write the sentences three times. Then practice typing it with your keyboard.
Part 2: Practice the letter “A”
Every English letter has 2 forms:
1. capital (uppercase, majescule)
2. small (lowercase, miniscule)
There is a script form of the alphabet, too. It is called cursive. Cursive writing also has capital and small letters.
Click on the link to download a special paper that will help you write capital a, small a, and cursive a correctly.
Here is a practice paper with empty lines to practice writing in English.
Now go to the discussion questions.