Advanced Lesson 1 -
The Truth Will Set You Free
Writing Exercise

Now let’s practice your writing! This writing exercise is part 6 of the lesson, The Truth Will Set You Free, which is found in John 8, verses 31-47. You can also do it as an individual writing exercise.
Read the passage for this lesson (John 8:31–47 CEV) again and think about what Jesus is trying to tell his audience. Focus on the most important ideas. You can use phrases and vocabulary from the lesson to write one or two sentences that describe what the entire passage is all about.
When you write a summary, it is like you are explaining the information you learned to someone else who has not read it. Your summary should be significantly shorter than the original passage.
Here is a PDF of the text for you to work with as you practice writing your summary.
Now, move on to the last section, the Discussion Questions.
Click this button to go back to the Grammar Exercise.