Advanced Lesson 2 -
The Wisdom of Jesus
Vocabulary Exercise

In the Wisdom of Jesus vocabulary exercise, we’ll look at 5 vocabulary words and phrases. This exercise is the third part of Advanced Lesson 2, or you can do it as an individual vocabulary exercise.
Read the word, study the definition, and listen to how the word is pronounced. Then, listen to how it is used in the sample sentences.
You can also look up the word at or any online dictionary for more information. For pronunciation in accents other than American English, visit, enter your word, and choose the accent you want to hear. Forvo is a great tool to help you with your pronunciation!
1. condemn
kən ˈdɛm (verb)
to criticize or judge someone strongly
(Note the pronounciation – the “n” is silent)
- How often have we sinned and turned against you, the Lord God? Our sins condemn us! We have done wrong. (Isaiah 59:12 CEV)
- Anyone who believes me and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe me will be condemned. (Mark 16:16 CEV)
vocabulary word – condemn
2. show-off
ˈʃoʊ ɑːf (noun)
a person who tries to attract others’ attention and to impress others
- When you pray, don’t be like those show-offs who love to stand up and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners. They do this just to look good. I can assure you that they already have their reward. (Matthew 6:5 CEV)
- You Pharisees and teachers are show-offs, and you’re in for trouble!… (Matthew 23:25 CEV)
vocabulary word – show-off
3. destruction
dɪ ˈstrʌk ʃən (noun)
the act of destroying something; the condition of being destroyed
- …my ears have heard the doom and destruction of my evil enemies. (Psalms 92:11 CEV)
- …The day is coming when the mighty Lord will bring destruction.
(Isaiah 13:6 CEV)
vocabulary word – destruction
4. thornbush
ˈθɔrn bʊʃ (noun)
any of various shrubs or bushes that have thorns or spines
They will settle everywhere—in the deep valleys and between the rocks, on every thornbush and all over the pastureland. (Isaiah 7:18 CEV)
But land that produces only thornbushes is worthless… (Hebrews 6:8 CEV)
vocabulary word – thornbush
5. deed
did (noun)
an intentional act
…but evil people are trapped by their own evil deeds. (Psalms 9:16 CEV)
Your fearsome deeds have completely amazed us… (Isaiah 64:3 CEV)
vocabulary word – deed
I hope you were able to learn some words that are new to you! Now click the button to go to the Speaking Exercise.
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